Hello from Madrid!
Hey everyone,
Glad to be here.
I’m Marcos; born & raised in Madrid, Spain
I enjoy business, productivity, fitness, reading and developing solutions that actually help people.
Currently studying Business Management & Technology, but I’ve been in the entrepreneurship game since I was 14 (turning 20 this year), with a bunch of loses but some big wins as well.
Pivoted from my last business since market trends shifted, and it got harder and harder to make healthy profits.
But with it I made some good money and started refining my python development & business skills.
Sadly nearing my final months on the industry, one of the biggest players that owed me multiple five-figures after months of delayed payments (may not sound like a lot to some but hey, I was younger and it was tough) went bankrupt.
With that rough end to my journey on that industry, I pivoted to AI Automations & Developing Solutions with Artificial Intelligence using my previous coding knowledge to my advantage.
Fast forward a couple of years and I’ve developed a custom-coded SaaS platform on python to help solve student queries for Driving Schools all across Spain (all backend, using WhatsApp as frontend for both messaging & user management).
I’ve even been featured in some newspapers & radio programs from my country! :)
Also developed a program that automatically generates tailored and in-depth health & fitness analysis for customers with info from a form (or even imported data from fitness apps like strong).
(lil’ rant here: in my opinion, these tailored documents are an amazing way to add value and will surely have a place in the future of B2B and B2C sales, whether as lead magnets, value-adders, or stand-alone products)
As for now, I’m currently focusing on building my brand on social media and attracting more clients.
Anyways, that’s mostly it. Hope I didn’t make my story too boring.
Fyi, my dms are fully open for anyone on this community so feel free to reach out.
Thanks for reading this far. Hope you have an amazing rest of your day :)
Marcos Santiago
Hello from Madrid!
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