After three years of studying Mechatronics Engineering and exploring various fields—from mastering the fundamentals of coding to delving into PLC programming, and then shifting towards Project Management—I have now discovered my true passion in AI and Machine Learning. This realization has been crystallized during my current internship at e-MAS company. Initially, I believed that my diverse skill set would set me apart, but I soon recognized that I was not as advanced as I had thought. This has been a humbling experience, highlighting that I still have much to learn. With one year left to complete my degree, I am fully committed to focusing on AI and Machine Learning, determined to avoid the pitfalls of spreading myself too thin by jumping between fields. I am eager to dedicate this time to mastering these disciplines and applying the lessons learned from my past experiences to ensure I can excel in this rapidly evolving industry. I just wanna share this with you guys🙃
Abdullah Bakran
Data Alchemy
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