Very bad experience on installing Anaconda
Just earned enough credits for posting here.
This is my very first time learning coding and I didn’t know any relating knowledge at all before entering this course, so I made some silly mistakes when installed Anaconda. Just wanted to write down this bad experience on installing Anaconda, share them with someone like me lacking even very basic skill in this field, and also earn myself some credits on this platform.
I should have downloaded the installer for intel chip, but I mistakenly downloaded the one for apple silicon instead. I had tried several times for installing before I found out this mistake, which wasted a lot of time. When I tried to use the intel-chip installer, it said “anaconda3 already exists”, which made me confused again because I didn’t finish the installment at all. Then I had to go to Finder to delete all files named ‘anaconda’. After these problems, I then got a "permission denied" message during the installation process. I searched this problem on google and finally solved it by typing ‘chmod +x’ into terminal.
When I looked back into these small silly mistakes, I found that they were not that difficult to be solved; however, they cost me a lot of time, which made me worry about my future learning process in this course. “I may encounter even worse problems and stuck on them”--this negative expectation was really frightening me.
But as I left comments on this platform expressing my worries, I then got lots of encouragement from classmates in this course, which made me feel much better. You are all very helpful! Thanks very much for all your kind words and valuable help!
Jingfeng Yao
Very bad experience on installing Anaconda
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