Is Kimball Modelling Dead? Navigating Modern Data Management
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Brought to you by Vaultspeed this discussion delves into:
Understanding of Kimball and Data Vault Methodologies their purposes, strengths, and weaknesses.
How to adapt to Changes in Data Structures, and in particular how Data Vault can efficiently manage changes such as mergers, acquisitions, and expansions which might require rapid integration of new data types into existing models without compromising data integrity or historical data.
A demonstration of VaultSpeed to illustrate how automation tools can simplify and accelerate the modelling process, showing how these tools can generate SQL and handle deployments.
Practical Implementation and Transition Strategies on how to transition from a Kimball model to a Data Vault model using automation, the discussion provides practical strategies that you can apply directly to their work, especially when looking to enhance the resilience and flexibility of their data architecture.
#vaultspeed #datamodelling #kimball #datavault #datawarehouse
Samuel Williams
Is Kimball Modelling Dead? Navigating Modern Data Management
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