Design Sprint Brief - Prime your design sprints for success 🎯
Today, I am sharing one of the best resources to make your design sprint workshop (and not only) the best you have ever done.
↳You’re about to run a design sprint with your product team.
↳You’re considering one but still need to get stakeholder approval.
↳You’re a consultant and have to convince your client first.
It’s understandable — after all, a design sprint is a big investment. You’re taking 5-10 people away from their day-to-day roles to focus on a major challenge for 4-5 days. It has to deliver great results. And if it doesn’t? Well, that’s on you. No pressure! 😅
So, how can you set your design sprint up for success?
Spoiler alert: it’s all about how you start.
At Design Sprint Academy, we’ve learned from running a million design sprints (OK, not quite that many, but you get it) that success begins with a solid Design Sprint Brief.
Here’s why a great Design Sprint Brief is your best friend:
🎯 Focus — It defines the problem that needs solving, providing clarity for the team. (Because let’s face it, the hardest part of any project is figuring out what you’re actually solving!)
🤔 Context — It captures past attempts, barriers, and challenges. With this, your team avoids previous mistakes and is better prepared for the sprint.
💰 Business Perspective — It outlines clear business objectives, success metrics, and KPIs so your boss or client know what "winning" looks like.
🤷‍♂️ Customer Perspective — It reflects the customer’s point of view — from their goals to their frustrations, giving your team deeper insight into who they’re solving for.
How do we use the Design Sprint Brief?
✅ Facilitator Checklist — It’s a confidence boost for facilitators. It shows you’ve done your homework on problem definition, business metrics, and customer insights.
✅ Stakeholder Buy-in — A well-written brief can be your secret weapon to getting sign-off. Show the stakeholders or clients exactly what your sprint will achieve in a few days, and you’ll get them on board.
✅ Team Onboarding — Share it with your sprint team before the workshop. They’ll hit the ground running, fully informed and ready to dive in.
Here’s the best part:
You can spend hours creating your own Design Sprint Brief... or you can grab ours for just €49 and get back to prepping for your sprint. It’s proven, effective, and ready to go.
Make your next sprint one to remember!
John Vetan
Design Sprint Brief - Prime your design sprints for success 🎯
Design Sprint Masters
A place for facilitators to share tips and experiences on design sprints, problem-framing, and design thinking workshops.
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