I do enjoy digitizing workshops a lot; however, sometimes deciphering handwriting could be a very, very tedious and time-consuming task.
You have probably all seen the video in which GPT-4 helps the user lower their bike seat by 'looking' at the bike and providing guidance in every step of the process. When I saw the video, I thought, okay, that's cool, but how can I apply this in my day-to-day tasks?
Fast-forward to today. I just finished digitizing a workshop using the GPT-4, and the results were pretty surprising.
Without providing the workshop context, the GPT-4 managed to read the handwriting of the individual sticky notes much better than I expected, yet I took it with a grain of salt, considering the lack of context.
Design Sprints & AI - What is your experience? 🤖
Have you already had the chance to utilize AI in your facilitation sessions, and in what way?