馃拃 Free Community Deprecated - Long Live YouTube Chanel 馃拃
Hi folks,
After some long thinking together with we decided to shut down this Community.
The reason is the following: focus.
While the space itself is fantastic, and mostly thanks to you, given all our other responsibilities, such as the free content we put on YouTube and our paying mentees at theSeniorDev, we don't have the time, energy, or mental space to keep this going.
If you can't do something well, then don't do it at all.
Bogdan and I wanted to thank you for your time with us and wish you success in your development journey!
See you around!
To enjoy our free content, check out the YouTube channel.
If you want us to help you level up to Senior Developer, gain confidence in your skills, and become an in-demand, highly-paid developer, let's have a quick chat! If we find a fit, we would love to help you!
Thank you,
Bogdan & Dragos
Dragos Nedelcu
馃拃 Free Community Deprecated - Long Live YouTube Chanel 馃拃
Senior Dev Academy
The #1 Free Community for JavaScript Developers to fast-track from Junior to Senior level with quality resources, feedback, and accountability 馃コ
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