Hey everyone,
I'm back after a weekend away and ready to dive back into the Digital Sales Accelerator, fully focused on helping you get those leads and sales of your digital products.
This weekend, I was deep into managing all the paid media for a major music festival here in Canada. I handled everything from setting up their ad campaigns to growing their email list.
Saturday threw us a curveball with some really bad weather, which meant we had to cancel the last two big headliner acts. Thankfully, Friday and Sunday were smoother, though we definitely got our fair share of cold, wet, and muddy experiences. Ah, the joys of outdoor festivals!
Despite the weather, the campaigns were incredibly successful, bringing in a 5-6x ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). That means for every dollar spent, we saw $5-6 in return.
I also ran a giveaway that brought in 19,000 new email subscribers for the festival’s list.
While I had to give this client my full attention for the weekend, my main passion remains here with all of you, sharing what I've learned about using various digital marketing strategies to get you leads and ultimately sales.
Now that I’m back, I’m pumped to get back into the community this week and start generating leads and sales with you! 😀
Steffan Watson
Digital Sales Accelerator Free
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