Is Your Dog Jumping On Guests?
Here are five tips to help manage and prevent dogs from jumping on guests:
  1. Consistent Training: Teach your dog an alternative behavior, such as sitting or staying, when guests arrive. Practice this behavior consistently and reward your dog for good behavior. Over time, they will associate the arrival of guests with the desired behavior instead of jumping.
  2. Ignore Jumping Behavior: When your dog jumps on guests, avoid giving them attention or physical contact. Turning away or crossing your arms can signal to your dog that jumping will not get them the desired response. Ask your guests to do the same, so your dog learns that jumping is ineffective for getting attention.
  3. Reward Four-on-the-Floor: Praise and reward your dog when they keep all four paws on the floor when guests arrive. Positive reinforcement, such as treats or verbal praise, will help reinforce the desired behavior.
  4. Use Leash or Tether: If your dog is particularly excitable, consider keeping them on a leash or tether when guests arrive. This allows you to control their movement and prevent jumping. Gradually, as your dog learns to greet guests calmly, you can allow more freedom.
  5. Pre-arrival Exercise: Give your dog ample exercise before guests arrive to help reduce their energy levels. A tired dog is less likely to engage in excessive jumping. A walk, play session, or mental stimulation can help drain their energy and make them calmer when guests come over.
Remember, consistency and positive reinforcement are key when training your dog. With patience and practice, you can help your dog learn appropriate greetings without jumping on guests.
Jonathan Page
Is Your Dog Jumping On Guests?
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