The Beginning ....
I'm excited to announce that I will be recording a session where you get to decide the features of the Orc I'll be sculpting. I'll capture the entire process based on your choices and share the recording with you,and I will give you the file for free.🧙‍♂️⚔️
What Do You Prefer for this mini/collectibles?
  1. Heads: Choose a fierce, savage, or mystical head.
  2. Gear: What kind of gear will our Orc carry?
  3. Body Type: A bulky warrior, a stealthy rogue, or a powerful shaman?
  4. Weapon: Sword, club, axe, or magical staff?
👉 Participate in the comments and follow our updates to see the progress.
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Thank you for being part of this exciting creation!
David Pereira
The Beginning ....
3DMinis&Collectibles Academy
3D Minis & Collectibles Academy: Expert-led training in 3D techniques, building practical skills and creativity. Learn, Create , Enjoy
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