Psych3delics & the Lion's Gate Portal 8.8.8
Psych3delics literally means "mind manifesting". The Lions Gate Portal on 8/8/2024, the Earth aligns with the star Sirius and the Galactic Center, is believed to open a powerful energetic gateway, amplifying our ability to manifest and connect with higher realms. This happens every year, but since 2+2+4 is also an 8 year- we triple or quadruple the power what we can manifest esp with psych3delics.
When combined with the heightened energies of the Lions Gate Portal, these sacred plant medicines can offer an unparalleled opportunity for deep inner work, healing, and expansion of consciousness. Embrace this cosmic window to explore your inner landscape and align with your highest potential. The healing energies of the heart and third eye are the most powerful, use this time and the medicine to do all the hard work you have been putting off. It'll be the easiest tomorrow.
Join me in manifesting all your desires tomorrow!! Do a deep mediation and affirm all your desires at 8:08am and 8:08pm. Those who are already in the membership program use the medicine and the power in you to power up the effects. AND if you need the medicine- book a call and join us!!
Don't forget, just like every trip, we have to unpack from it- and the call on Sunday allows that "unpacking" and integration with peer and professional support. See everyone on the Call at 4pm EST!!
Zinia Thomas
Psych3delics & the Lion's Gate Portal 8.8.8
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