It’s Wednesday, Post Your Wins Here
A few of my friends and mentors have been practicing winning Wednesday and are engaging in gratitude practices, so I thought, why don’t we try this here too.
Share any “Wins” you’ve had today, or even this week (it doesn’t have to be dream related) in the comments and also share something you’re grateful for today.
I am grateful for all of you ❤️
😇Also, please invite your friends to join us and help us make this the best community on skool! All it takes is to share this invite link. Plus, I will get the information and as we go there will be something special for people who bring new people to our community!
Ashley Batyko
It’s Wednesday, Post Your Wins Here
Dream Collective
Dream Collective: Your Journey to Lucid Living Starts Here. Explore dreams, lucid dreaming, and astral travel to unlock your mind's potential.
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