Start Here and Welcome Everyone!
Welcome, dream explorers! We're thrilled you've joined our collective. To kick things off, please introduce yourself to the community! In the comments below, let us know 1. Your name 2. Where you're from/you live 3. What brings you to this group? 4. Your goals for joining the group or what your hoping to gain from the group chats 5. A picture of your dream journal (if you have one already!). Are you struggling with nightmares? Curious about lucid dreaming? Or perhaps seeking to unlock hidden creativity through your dreams? Whatever your journey, we're here to support you.
Speaking of support, I'd love to connect with you personally. If you're feeling stuck in your dream practice, experiencing recurring dreams you can't decipher, or simply want to dive deeper into dream work, I'm offering free 15-minute discovery calls. During our chat, we'll explore your unique challenges and goals, and I'll provide personalized guidance to enhance your dream experiences. To book your call, simply pick an open time on my calendar with this Calendly link. Let's unlock the power of your dreams together!
I will be doing a weekly coffee chat on Saturday mornings at 10:00 am PST via Zoom to discuss dreams and dream analysis with anyone that wants to join. Check the Calendar Tab here in Skool for the right time based on your time zone and that's where you'll find the Zoom link.
Can’t wait to meet you!
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Ashley Batyko
Start Here and Welcome Everyone!
Dream Collective
Dream Collective: Your Journey to Lucid Living Starts Here. Explore dreams, lucid dreaming, and astral travel to unlock your mind's potential.
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