I was thinking of doing a 30 day challenge, hereā€™s what it looks likeā€¦
  • 100% sober
  • No social media (only to network and for meetings)
  • Exercise 1 hour a day minimum (has to include 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 1 mile run minimum)
  • Work 8 hours a day minimum (mentally, spiritually, physically, financially)
  • Read 1 chapter of the Bible every day minimum
  • Pray 10 minutes every day minimum
  • Attend church every Sunday
  • Set time aside for family/loved ones every day
  • No cheap dopamine hits
  • Wake up before 6am on weekdays
  • Wake up before 8am on weekends
  • No fake foods/deserts, healthy foods only
  • Set minimum 5 goals that must be completed every day
  • Develop a skill youā€™ve always wanted to have
  • No lust.
In 30 days Iā€™ll beā€¦
  • 100% sober.
  • better at not relying on social media to pass time.
  • In the best shape of my life because I did 3,000+ push ups, 3,000 sit ups and ran over 30 miles.
  • in a much better position mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially.
  • more confident and no longer insecure.
  • closer to God and His word!
  • able to listen to God better and lean on His understanding.
  • surrounded by other believers that love me and Jesus.
  • the closest to my family that Iā€™ve been in a while.
  • able to control myself better and not give into my fleshly desires.
  • proud of myself for not sleeping in and actually getting up in the morning.
  • healthier because I didnā€™t eat garbage.
  • more accomplished because I hit 150 goals this month.
  • someone who finally got that one skill down that Iā€™ve always wanted to have.
  • someone who isnā€™t tempted by lust anymore.
Anthony Kasper
Elevation Empire
Christ centered self-improvement community. Seek to grow, learn, and apply! See you inside!
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