💎 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) 💎
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know…
#1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you lead on their health journey (if right now thats you, great :) )?
#2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community?
#3 - For fun what do you like to do?
#4 - Drop a photo of you and anyone who might be on your Family Health Journey.
I'll go first...
#1 - My name is Curtis Andreotti, I am a former software developer (passionate systems optimizer) and professional volleyball player turned mentor/coach to health and wellness visionaries. I have called Canada, the US and Sweden home in the past.
#2 - What I want out of this community is to be of the utmost service... I want to connect with new friends, I want to serve our existing caregivers and I want to help people expand their impact, their belief in themselves and about what is possible in terms of generating sustainable physical and cognitive momentum in your caregiving journey and I want to have a ton of fun!
#3 - For fun... I mean... I do things like this.... my work is fun for me ... but when I am not working I love hanging with my family, being outside in nature, walking with my wife and dad, and building and working on my mindset and currating my inner circle of amazing friends and influences that inspire my life daily.
#4 - This is my Dad, Larry, we brought him to Vernon unexpectedly in 2021 and found myself on a journey that transformed not only his physical and cognitive direction and momentum, but my own as well in amazing ways that I get to share with you here. He just turned 80, works out with me 6 mornings a week at 5:30 am and walks an additional 10-12 km per day. He is my hero and someone I gain incredibly courage from.
Curtis Andreotti
💎 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) 💎
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