Want to see massive success in your career? πŸ†
You only need to do two things
1. Create for 30 minutes every day 🀩
Rule of thought should be: Create more than you consume
Create content about your industry.
Create about yourself
Create case studies for your portfolio.
Write down tactics and tips you’ve learned.
Share your personal story, your successes and downfalls.
When you’re ready, start sharing publicly.
Post on LinkedIn, Facebook or your personal Blog
2. Cold Outreach new person everyday πŸ€‘
This helps with personal and business growth
Think about your biggest goals so far !!
Find people who are already living that reality.
Or reach out to one of your ideal clients every single business day.
Most won’t reply, but some will.
And you only need a few great relationships to see massive gains.
Proactivity is the basis for success.
When you make these a part of your daily routine,
You’ll never have to seek out opportunities again.
They’ll come to you instead.
Afaque Memon
Want to see massive success in your career? πŸ†
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