Introduce yourself
Please introduce yourself to others with a brief Bio
I will get the ball rolling
My name is Chris Wilson and I am the Owner, Master Coach and Principal Consultant with Horus Coaching. I have worked in the Manufacturing & Aerospace sector for over 45 years progressing from shop floor to the boardroom of multinational aerospace companies. In December 2020 I retired and set up Horus Coaching with the clear goal of helping others achieve positive results in their lives.
Over many years as a senior executive I have developed particular skills to help people boost their confidence and abilities, enabling them to attain excellent results in their lives, whether in their careers, with money, in relationships or with their physical and mental wellbeing. I firmly believe that everyone is capable of achieving the life they truly desire if they Fine Tune their Mind for Success by changing their way of thinking.
As well as my Corporate & life experience I have a Masters Degree in Project Management .
I am also a certified Life Coach, a Master Practitioner in NLP & Thought Field Therapy.
I have coached and mentored hundreds of clients with exceptional results to date.
Chris Wilson
Introduce yourself
Fine Tune your Mind
We help aspiring Managers/Executives
excel in their careers
By 'Fine Tuning your Mind'
Using a 3 pillar process; Vision, Mindset, & Action to Success.
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