ChatGPT prompt for content calendar creation, anyone?
Hi guys,
Here's another fun ChatGPT prompt to customize and make your own.
"I need to create a social media content calendar for the next [30 days]. I post on [Instagram] and [Twitter].
My business sells [mail order brownies].
I will post [5 times] a week on both platforms.
I want to strike a balance of posts where some are [engaging and funny] and others [help sell my products].
You will need to help me with this, as well as providing the full content calendar for both platforms.
First, you will ask me questions about my business and audience until you think you have enough information. Then, you will provide me with the calendar formatted in 2 tables, one for [Instagram] and one for [Twitter].
You will provide me with the text captions in one column, and a suggested image in the second.
Let’s begin."
Come back here and let us know what you get!
Remember, if it doesn't spit out exactly what you need, make it rework it until it's perfect!
Kelly Dempsey
ChatGPT prompt for content calendar creation, anyone?
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