I'm Patrick and I'm the Co-Founder of Founder Revenue Academy (FRA)
We created FRA to help Founders of super early stage B2B companies succeed.
There are 3 of us who co-founded the business. I do all the content, Rich is the technical/product one and James is more financing, legal etc. All 3 of us are sales and marketing guys though
B2B sales is really hard and if you don't come from that background it can seem pretty daunting! It's like me trying to code!
We are all based in London, UK but we won't our business, Founder Revenue Academy, to be accessible to all and just because of where you are in the world, shouldn't stop you getting access to our help!
I like hearing about Founders building cool things, and solving cool problems
Out Youtube channel is packed full too of typical Founder problems and solutions so head on over to that!
Patrick Thorp
I'm Patrick and I'm the Co-Founder of Founder Revenue Academy (FRA)
Founder Revenue Academy
This community is for Founders of B2B tech business between MVP and Problem Market fit who don't come from a sales background
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