May 9 (edited) in Guides
How to get your first developer job
1. Code daily. Do not let a day go by without writing code. It is the only way to improve your skills.
2. Build 40 projects. You do not have to build them on your own. You can watch tutorials on FreeCodeCamp and code. Try to change them and not just follow everything step by step. Please put all of them on GitHub as public repositories. Try to write detailed README explanations because they can be more easily searchable on Google and people can find your projects and then your profile as well.
3. If you don't have it already, open an account on LinkedIn. Send as many friend requests to people who are already working as software developers. Prioritize finding software developers that live close to the place where you are living.
4. Post on LinkedIn daily. Share your journey, what you are currently learning, links to your GitHub repositories, and so on. You may be surprised about the number of people that you can find there and the number of connections and opportunities that may pop up from there. Look at this person who has been sharing his journey publicly on LinkedIn and also put the updates on GitHub
You can follow a similar journey, where you can promote yourself and increase your chances of getting your first developer job.
5. Apply to as many jobs as possible. Even if you do not meet the requirements, keep on applying, and do not be afraid of all the requirements that a job position is asking for.
6. Find a job position that you want to find and go and contact the manager directly via LinkedIn, or if you are lucky, through their email. Find developers who are working at that company and contact them on LinkedIn by showing your progress so far and your willingness to get a job.
7. Do not get discouraged if you are not getting any replies or cannot pass an interview. It is going to be challenging and it is so for everyone.
Fatos Morina
How to get your first developer job
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