30-Day Cold Outreach Challenge
Hey friends!
Recently I asked some of you what 30-day challenge might your creator side really benefit from.
Many of you want some form of engagement challenge where you would do a cold outreach to people (potential clients, valuable connections, or the like) to take your game to the next level. ๐Ÿ’ช
So, I want to open up a 30-day cold outreach challenge starting October 16.
You select the number. (Any number above 5 is recommended.) Then every week you hit that many people up on DM or email or whatever you prefer as a mode of communication.
Tracking is important. This will help for engagement in the challenge + accountability as well as show you how much progress you made.
Just so we get an account of all of you, if this sounds like your cup of [preferred drink] comment โ€œIโ€™m in!โ€ on this post.
Excited to get this challenge going and I look forward to hearing your wins ๐Ÿ™Œ
Arjun Khemani
30-Day Cold Outreach Challenge
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