Averaging 170 sign ups a day for the last week
Screenshot 1 ^
Screenshot 2: Users are exploring 330 chapters (collection of links) and visiting 125 links on average everyday
๐Ÿ” Context
We launched Nawvel in May. After working on it for 3 months.
By August, I stopped using Nawvel with the same intensity.
When this happened with the previous 2 versions we built, I took it as a sign.
This signalled that we're not going in the right direction.
But instead of scrapping it, we pushed a couple features we wanted.
And let it sit. For months.
We didn't do any SEO. Stopped promoting it on social.
Fast forward to today, 6 months later,
We had 1,200 users sign up. In the last week.
Ngl, pretty cool to see that the right people are finding nawvel.
, I added the Sunday Synthesis to the library.
, 84 people explored "Games to improve design skills"
, 84 people explore "UX writing"
, 120 people explored "Finance & Wealth"
, 140 people explored "Getting started w/ stocks"
Shivam Jha
Averaging 170 sign ups a day for the last week
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