The #1 Metric for Gaining Leverage
My #1 goal is gaining more leverage.
So the #1 metric I focus on is over delivering.
Always going the extra mile…
Bridging out of my main tasks…
Aligning my goals with the companies goals.
And I don’t mean to pat myself on the back…
But, in most companies there’s already too many people half- assing their roles.
Their efforts go to figuring out how to NOT work while still getting paid.
So when you go out of your way even by a margin.
There’s no competition.
You stand out.
You get trusted with solving more problems…
Until you become irreplaceable.
And that’s how you gain more leverage in the company…
That’s how you gain control over the amount of money you can make.
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Volodymyr Marusych
The #1 Metric for Gaining Leverage
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