The great online game
Caught up with and today.
Forgot to take the picture with Sathya cause of the immediate rush...
I love that we have a decade long age gap from each other.
Yet, we are all playing the great online game
we keep each other accountable,
AND we help each others' businesses.
Benedek helped me get over my YouTube fear AND get my first 6 videos out with over 5K views.
Sathya helped me get over my LinkedIn fear AND get my first 100,000 views on LinkedIn.
Thanks guys.
Y'all helped me get started with the great online game.
For that, I'm grateful.
Shivam Jha
The great online game
A place for coaches, agency owners, and freelancers to make more money with more peace of mind. We help you break into 6 figures without burning out!
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