🎉FINALLY, after 6+ Years Spirit Guiding Me To Share & Create Videos Here We Are!
I am safe! I am free! I finally felt my legs, knees, feet, feel heavy..feeling them, not being disassociated from the abuse fleeing to keep myself safe, my spirit feels safe to live in my body healing deep rooted ancestral trauma.
I recently went no contact again with my mother who is narcissistic. I’ve been in both that grieving & liberation process.
I’ve been going where I’m guided, doing the things spirit is telling me to do, no matter what.
I’ve been in intense experiences of homelessness living in cars & for over 1 year one car living experience with my cat Magic, shelters, others homes, poverty being on food stamps etc, went back in contact in enmeshment & codependency with my mom, trying to work ‘regular jobs’ working for other people & Spirit slamming those doors shut making experiences to live & needs being met very difficult, learning through experiences walking away, going no contact, creating boundaries with toxic abusive people. + so much more.
🚨 ❤️ Please I am clearly communicating & asking that you do ✨NOT:✨
✨Read me, read my energy, offer ‘guidance’ I’m well versed, and good on that, so no thank you. You do not have my consent, or permission to read me.
✨Offer ‘advice’ Not interested, no thank you.
✨Try to ‘critique’ my natural, organic, authentic expression. I won’t accept it thank you.
✨Do not try to fake ‘comfort’ me if you are a man being predatorial trying to ‘show up’ and prey when a woman is raw, authentic, and vulnerable, definitely not welcome in my space.
🌟🌈🧚‍♀️ I am welcoming in:
✨Genuine, gentle, authentic, safe loving, kind support
✨I am asking if you feel genuinely that you resonate with this message, and myself please
💕subscribe to my channel, 💕 ‘like’ this video, 💕💕share a genuine kind heart felt comment on the video on YouTube comments section of what you feel, anything that came up for you, 💕 share with a few friends, family, colleagues, soul family who are ready to go deep down to their roots of ancestral healing, ready for deeply transformative somatic healing, feeling it all to heal it all, living in love, having fun, playing, ready to receive & ask for support, being in joy again sharing & expressing their gifts living in purpose.
🧬It is safe for me to ask for support even if I feel scared, or nervous
🧬It is safe for me to receive support so I can be of support
👁️👁️👁️Practicing what I preach!!
Thank you thank you thank you!
I love you! ❤️
Alexa Nicole
🎉FINALLY, after 6+ Years Spirit Guiding Me To Share & Create Videos Here We Are!
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