Free Lead Gen Systems for Members
Hey guys! A part of 's and my plan was to not only provide ideas on how to automate your follow up on leads - but how to FIND and GET and EVEN GENERATE more leads to feed into your automation systems! So we're staring the phase of building out lead gen systems for MEMBERS ONLY as an experiment. I normally charge $3,000.00 setup fee and $750/mo maintenance fee but since this is sort of a research and development system and we want volunteers - we're willing to do this for free for the time being until we perfect the system! Please comment below or reach out if you want to be a part of this group of "mad scientists!" We'll explain the details once we figure out who wants to be a part of it. Thanks!
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Larry Le, VMA
Free Lead Gen Systems for Members
Coaching Community and Support for FUBots Follow up Automated CRM
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