May 9 (edited) in Announcements
Find Your Dream Income (Calculator)
Here's a fun exercise to start you off and get clear on where you want to go in your business.
This calculator will help you find:
🟢The gap between what you're currently making and your dream income.
🟢The number of clients you'll need.
🟢The number of calls you'll need.
🟢And how many sales calls a week that is to hit your goal timeline.
When the destination is known we can draw a straight line to it. Once you know where you are going and what is needed to get there you can begin measuring our progress daily and doing what is required vs what we think we should do.
What is measured grows. Use the trainings in the classroom to begin creating your offer and booking calls for it, then tracking the stats daily so everyday you're 1% closer to that goal!
Will Girone
Find Your Dream Income (Calculator)
Clients & Capital (Free)
Earn $5,000+/month with your very own Online Coaching Program using our proven system for Coaches & Trainers. This community is FREE to join 🥳
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