Apr 10 (edited) in 🚶WISE Move
Balance [30 days of ME - Day 10]
Life is indeed a balancing act.
Once you have fallen you understand the importance of improving your balance so you can maintain safe functional mobility and ability to enjoy activities of life.
You need balance to do just about anything: getting out of bed, standing up or sitting down, walking, using stairs, leaning over, reaching out, picking things up.
Luckily, your body is adept at adapting, changing and growing with practice.
Creating situations that challenge your balance is the key to improving your muscular control and ability.
Explore that place of push/pull, teeter/totter, on the edge.
Here's an example of a balance exercise:
  1. Single leg stand- hold onto something stable, lift one foot off the floor an inch or two.
  2. Hold position for 30 seconds, repeat with the other foot.
  3. Increase the challenge when you are ready by letting go of the stabilizer 》 by closing your eyes 》 increasing height of foot lifting off ground 》holding foot out to side for progressive difficulty.
Today think about your ability to balance and test your edges.
Consider beginning to practice single leg stance daily, maybe multiple times a day.
Waiting in line is a good place to play with balance by simply lifting weight off one foot.
Share your balancing wins & tips 》💬 🤸
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Wendy Wiseman
Balance [30 days of ME - Day 10]
WISE 😎 GenXcellent Vitality
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