Apr 9 (edited) in 🚶WISE Move
Challenge [30 days of ME - Day 09]
Challenging and improving movement and physical abilities.
While moving and exercising may be like eating in that we must do so regularly to remain healthy, growing our physical abilities requires incremental increases in difficulty and progressive challenges.
Challenging the body trains and conditions it to adapt to that stress and improve its ability to meet those demands next time.
With repetition and improvement the body will no longer respond like it once did because it has adapted to that stress.
In fitness, that's known as a plateau.
Once your body has developed the needed strength, balance, flexibility, or endurance for a specific physical activity what once seemed difficult is done with ease and efficiency.
At this point new demands must be introduced in order for development to continue and for skills and abilities to grow.
The principles of progression:
1. Establish excellent form and technique of the movement/exercise/activity
2. Increase the difficulty/duration/exertion/weight/resistance of that movement/exercise/activity to a level that challenges but can still be performed with proper form and technique
3. Continue to progress to a more difficult form of the movement/exercise/activity once the challenge of the simpler form has been mastered
Push-up progressions》Squat progressions》 Percieved Exertion》
Today begin applying perceived exertion to your daily walks and push yourself a little. Consider choosing a simple exercise to start doing daily.
Start simply where you are. Is that 1, 5, or 10 wall or counter-top push-ups?
Is your squat simply controlled lower to chair and assist return to stand?
Don't judge, just start practicing to improve until you can progress to the next level of ability.
Challenge yourself by posting now about your commitment to challenge yourself》💬👇
Wendy Wiseman
Challenge [30 days of ME - Day 09]
WISE 😎 GenXcellent Vitality
Move out of pain at any age! Don't "feel old" ... Feel Totally Awesome! From genXhausted to GenXcellent! 🖖😎 Thrive with Radical Vitality... ⚡JOIN ⚡
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