Is your plate full? Are the servings the right size? Let's have a peek at Portions.
A portion, serving, or helping is an amount of food.
Sometimes the portion size and serving size are the same, but sometimes they are not. A portion is how much you eat at one time. A serving size is a measured amount of food—1 cup, 1 slice, 1 teaspoon, etc.
Portions have grown significantly in our culture of bigger, larger, mega, more! Some meals have portions that are enough for two or more people.
Check food labels to see the serving size and how many portions per package. Did you eat the whole bag then notice it was 4 or more servings?
Today think about the amounts of each item you eat.
Don't judge, don't limit, just notice.
Look up a portion guide if you're curious to compare.
Become more conscious of quantity consumed.
🤔 What's your oversize portion pleasure food? 》💬