You Input Please Re: Shifting Community Focus to Collective
As I stumbled into the creation of this community space by tossing previous programs and guides together the focus became almost more about me and the things than about us evolving together.
Your Input and Feedback is Requested
Often I have reconsidered the categories and though of consolidation all the - WISE Topics - into one so that then I will add - Podcasts - and - Shoutouts - or such collaborative threads.
What are your ideas, suggestions, vision for what this wonderful GenXcellent world may be and how we might best serve the collective expansion.
Please post suggestions for Classroom Crossover collections and Sharing thread spaces.
Let's really make this fun and engaging as this lotus emerges from the muck to blossom with radiant beauty!
SHARE your WILD-est WHAT-evers and let's... MAKE IT SO !!
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Wendy Wiseman
You Input Please Re: Shifting Community Focus to Collective
WISE 😎 GenXcellent Vitality
Move out of pain at any age! Don't "feel old" ... Feel Totally Awesome! From genXhausted to GenXcellent! πŸ––πŸ˜Ž Thrive with Radical Vitality... ⚑JOIN ⚑
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