RazorPay Payments Integration is Live!
0:00 Shaun Announces an Exciting Two for One Special
- Expanding Payment Integration With Custom API Support
- Impending Results From a Recent Experiment
- Innovating Payment Integration With Razer Pay in India
1:00 Introducing Razer Pa: India's New Payment Gateway
- Previewing Business User Updates in Release Notes
1:27 Integrating Razor Pay for Versatile Payment Solutions
2:36 Integrating Razor Pay with Existing Payment Systems
- Expanding India's Payment Integration Capabilities
3:08 Exciting Details Revealed in Thursday's Update Video
In the latest insightful video from HighLevel, Shaun brings some exciting news for the audience—especially for those looking to expand payment provider options in India. The introduction of a new payments framework is stirring waves of enthusiasm, particularly with the integration of Razer Pay, a prominent payment provider in the burgeoning Indian market.
Shaun starts off by discussing High Level's progression towards embracing a broader range of payment providers, detailing two significant releases. The first allowed for compatibility with any payment provider using authorized.net or NMI, which is already operational. The second and more advanced integration involves a customizable API that lets any payments provider integrate seamlessly. To demonstrate the new capability, High Level partnered with Razer Pay to showcase the successful implementation. The episode also walks through the setup process, highlighting user interface elements unique to Razer Pay and maintaining the simplicity akin to existing payment integrations like Stripe and authorized.net.
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Robb Bailey
RazorPay Payments Integration is Live!
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