Having All The Answers Doesn’t Matter
A lot of people (including myself constantly throughout the past 6 years) get so excited when they think they found some magic potion of motivation that will work every day. Spoiler alert, you didn’t. There WILL be days on every persons path where you don’t want to do anything at all. This is part of the process.
Rather than trying to figure out a way to be motivated every single day in order to get the work done. Try to figure out how you can get the work done without the motivation. Try to pool your energy towards functioning even if you don’t have the all the answers or motivation. Why you might ask? Because no one has all the answers. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I’m ok with that because I’m constantly in pursuit of knowledge and growth.
Having the answers doesn’t matter. Learning how to function without them will help more than I can say.
“Rather than running from the inevitable storm, learn to seek shelter in the eye”
  • Cambron Nevill
Cambron Nevill
Having All The Answers Doesn’t Matter
Daily Discipline
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