A bit about me, how i found christ and some advice! ❤️
hi everyone! my names Chantelle, im 17 and living in australia. i was born and raised in a catholic household with heavily religious grandparents, that helped me get closer to God, a few years ago i fell into a dark place where i felt as if i had no one and that no one understood me, when i told my mother she told me to pray, at the time i didn't understand the power of prayer. I started praying and sooner or later my prayers slowly started to come with answers, that is when i fully put my trust and faith into God! Since then i have been praying nightly not only about what i'm in need of but thanking God for what i have. Sometimes we forget that we're in the middle of something we were once praying for, my advice is be grateful for what you have and who you are as a child of God! Always trust Gods timing, never try to do anything on your own as you will only succeed with God by your side. Never forget that you can always go to God for anything, fear God but love and talk to him like a father, a loving father that will love you regardless of how much you have sinned for we are all sinners, it doesn't matter how you go to God but how beautiful and cleansed you come out! May the good lord Jesus Christ bless every single one of youse!!! please feel free to comment and have a discussion with me 💗
Chantelle Paules
A bit about me, how i found christ and some advice! ❤️
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