Capturing the Pink Moon
The full moon in April is called the pink moon because the time of year corresponds to pink wild flower season.
The first image is the moon backlighting the clouds composed with the moon from the second image. The moon was actually in that position in the clouds, but I couldn't capture the clouds and detail in one shot.
The second image is a stack of 30-40 images shot at 3 different exposures and then merged.
The third image is a single exposure for reference. You may not notice a huge difference between the second and third images but if you zoom in on a large screen the detail is significantly better in the second image. If you really want the best detail, you really need to take thousands of images. Then select only a small percentage of the absolute best quality to merge to remove the noise and enhance detail.
Have you ever tried to photograph the moon? I would love to see the results even if it's with a phone!
Sam Groth
Capturing the Pink Moon
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