What do you want to learn about?
Welcome to the Course Requests Area!
This is your space to help us grow together. Are there specific gardening techniques you're curious about? Perhaps there's an area of sustainable living you're eager to explore further? Whatever it is, we want to hear from you!
Please share your ideas for new courses you'd like to see offered in our community. Whether it's advanced soil science, permaculture design, or something as simple as window-box gardening, your suggestions will help us ensure that our offerings meet your learning needs.
How to Make a Course Request:
  • Describe the Topic: Give a brief description of the course subject you're interested in.
  • Explain Your Interest: Tell us why this topic would be beneficial for our community.
  • Any Specifics: If there are particular skills or knowledge you hope to gain, mention them here.
  • Create a Poll: This allows other members to vote on your suggestion, helping us gauge interest and prioritize new content based on what you most want to learn.
We're here to cultivate a diverse and enriching learning environment tailored to your interests. Let’s plant the seeds for future courses together!
B. Johannes Bryan
What do you want to learn about?
Growing Fearless
Join Growing Fearless to connect, share, and learn about sustainable gardening. Cultivate independence and resilience by growing your own food!
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