Animals Have Habits
I'm going to link an amazing article about how animals avoid becoming dinner below 👇🏻
As I read through this, there was a very powerful theme going on in the ENTIRE ARTICLE.
If you have been building your habits & learning how they work. You know that there are things called CUEs.
That cue your habit to begin. Well, guess what. 🦋
Animals have cues that help them survive...
  • Visual
  • Chemical
  • Auditorial
And more.
So whenever a cue has triggered the thoughts then fire, they do what they must to survive.
Ever seen a bunny just randomly jump into your lap? NO.
They have developed CUES that tell them to stay away from certain types of animals, they won't even get close.
Here is the best part.
AUTOMATICITY. They don't use 100% of their brain power to take action on these habits they probably use 30% because of repetition, emotions, collective consciousness ETC...
The power is to keep pushing forward with your habits so they are apart of who you are
Read the article here & let me know your thoughts in the chat below 👇🏻
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Jonathan Santillan
Animals Have Habits
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