Welcome to your journey of growth and learning with us! Here at Habit Genesis Prophets DNA, we want to ensure you get the most out of your experience. While the main program is accessible right from the start, additional enriching courses and resources become available as you engage more deeply with the community.
How It Works
The pathway to unlocking additional programs is simple and rewarding. By interacting within the group, you contribute to discussions and gain points that open up new levels of content. It’s not just about progressing through levels—it’s about enhancing your learning experience by applying what you learn and sharing insights with others.
Earning Points
You can earn points through various interactive activities within the group:
  • Posting Insightful Questions: Share your queries related to the tasks at hand. Each engagement your post receives earns you points.
  • Participating in Discussions: Contribute thoughtful responses to others’ posts.
  • Sharing Your Progress: Keep the group updated on your journey and learnings.
Levels and Access
  • Level 1: Immediate access to the main program.
  • Higher Levels: Unlock additional programs and exclusive content as you accumulate points.
Ready to Start?
Simply click the Classroom Icon at the top to access your current modules. As you earn points, watch as new segments of the program unlock, broadening your learning and opportunities.
Engage, learn, and grow—unlock the full potential of your Habit Genesis Prophets DNA experience today!
You earn points when other members like your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point. This encourages users to produce quality content and interact with other members in their community.
As you gain points, you level up. Your level is shown at the bottom right of your avatar. The number of points required to get to the next level is shown under your avatar on your profile page.
Level 1 - 0 points
Level 2 - 5 points
Level 3 - 20 points
Level 4 - 65 points
Level 5 - 155 points
Level 6 - 515 points
Level 7 - 2,015 points
Level 8 - 8,015 points
Level 9 - 33,015 points
Povilas Jocius
Habit Genesis Prophets DNA
Step into the Genesis DNA realm: A community shaping destinies through profound learning and visionary futures.
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