God centered identity
Sharing some scripture and prayer starters from Wanda Alger's book "Words to Pray" to encourage you to remember who you are in Christ above all else.
We wear so many hats as we go in and out of different settings and places throughout our days. May we be grounded in these truths and empowered to walk in our identity as daughters of God. We can and are called to walk in faithful confidence knowing He is with us and for us, and if He is for us, then who can be against us?!
You are beloved, beautiful, and uniquely you. You have a specific purpose with special giftings and your impact matters. You make a difference. Shine my beauties, the Kingdom needs you. Stay strong and encouraged, this is the time to shine His light.
Amanda Mallin
God centered identity
Honey In The Rock
Come as you are as we lay our burdens down and trust in the Lord. Be encouraged and empowered to walk in your God given authority & shine His light!
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