Brutally honest advice for Broke People
Let’s get real. If you’re broke and struggling, it’s because of a series of decisions you’ve made. That’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth. I’ve been there. It’s a vicious cycle, and you feel trapped. But there’s a way out—if you’re willing to do the hard work. It’s time for some tough love.
1. Stop Playing the Victim
The world doesn’t owe you anything. No one’s coming to save you. Stop blaming your circumstances, your upbringing, or the economy. Those are obstacles, sure, but they’re not immovable. Successful people face the same or worse challenges and still find a way. The first step? Own your situation. You are where you are because of choices you’ve made. Now, let’s make different ones.
2. Kill the Excuses
“I don’t have time.” “I don’t have the money.” “I don’t know how.” These are excuses. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. The difference between the successful and the broke is how you use that time. If you’re binge-watching Netflix or wasting hours on social media, then you do have time—you’re just spending it on the wrong things.
3. Get a Skill, Not a Job
A minimum-wage job isn’t going to change your life. You need to learn a skill that’s in demand. I don’t care if you’re working two or three jobs to make ends meet—spend your spare time learning something that will increase your value in the marketplace. Coding, sales, marketing, real estate—find a skill that has a high ROI and go all in.
4. Work Like You’re Starving (Because You Are)
This isn’t the time to take it easy. If you’re broke, you have to outwork everyone. This is the grind period. Sacrifice comfort for the hustle. Say goodbye to weekends and nights off. You’re in a hole, and climbing out is going to take relentless effort. If you’re not willing to put in that effort, stay broke. It’s that simple.
5. Surround Yourself with Winners
Your circle is either pulling you up or dragging you down. If you’re hanging around with people who are broke and complaining all the time, you’re going to stay exactly where you are. Find people who are winning in life. Network. Learn from them. Success leaves clues. Follow those clues and replicate what they’re doing.
6. Stop Wasting Money on Dumb Stuff
You don’t need the latest iPhone. You don’t need a new car. You don’t need designer clothes. If you’re broke, your only priority should be putting your money into things that will make you more money. That means investing in your education, your skillset, and your health. Everything else is a distraction.
7. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
The road to success is paved with discomfort. You’re going to have to do things you don’t want to do, work when you don’t want to work, and sacrifice things that feel good now for the payoff later. If you can’t handle that, you’re choosing to stay broke.
8. Focus on Solutions, Not Problems
Broke people focus on the obstacles. Successful people focus on the solutions. If you’re stuck, ask yourself, “How can I change this?” Stop worrying about what’s wrong and start putting energy into how to fix it. Every problem has a solution—your job is to find it.
9. Have a Long-Term Vision, but Start Today
Dream big, but act small—right now. If you want to be rich, successful, and free, you need to put in the work every day. You’re not going to change your life overnight. It’s going to take time, but if you start now, a year from today, you’ll be miles ahead of where you are now.
10. Never, Ever Quit
Failure is part of the process. You’re going to fall, and it’s going to hurt. But you can’t quit. The people who succeed are the ones who keep going when everyone else gives up. Be relentless, be stubborn, and never, ever quit.
Success isn’t for everyone, but it’s there for anyone willing to do what it takes. If you’re broke, it’s time to get uncomfortable, make sacrifices, and work harder than you’ve ever worked in your life. No more excuses. You have a choice—stay where you are, or rise up and claim the life you deserve.
The question is: What are you going to do about it?
—Todd Flagg
Todd Flagg
Brutally honest advice for Broke People
How To Win & Keep On Winning
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