Share Your Goals With Us ❣️
We are nearly at the half-year mark... about the time I like to do a Goals Check-In!
(look out for RESET - the Goal-Setting workshop .. coming soon)
• Let's speak our dreams into existence 💭 Share 1 thing you are working to achieve by the end of 2024. (Remember, make it a SMART goal)
• Ask for support ✨ - from the universe, the community, from yourself
🤙 Then, show support to someone else to initiate a cycle of reciprocity! 💫
For myself:
By the end of 2024, with my co-founders at HPA, I will have lead 3 corporate teams through some form of generative leadership or conscious culture development (shout out human design for teams).
I am calling in business leaders who want improve individual wellbeing and team collaboration. 🌩️
Selena Shiu
Share Your Goals With Us ❣️
Global Awakened Community
A community for those who are seeking holistic grow through the 5 pillars of human potential: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial.
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