Alternative Therapy Options - Part IV: EMDR
Short for: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR has been proven to be specifically effective when struggling with PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder).
I even have friends and acquaintances who have engaged in EMDR when nothing else helped. And, it supported them in even getting rid of PTSD and be symptom-free.
So how does EMDR work?
The first trial took place in 1989, hence it's a fairly new treatment method. It is based in moving your eyes a certain way while you process traumatic events, typically with the help of an experienced practitioner.
Why is it more effective than traditional 'talking' therapy?
It simply doesn't require you to talk. EMDR addresses your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors directly without you having to explain or say something. Isn't that great?
Traumatic events get stored differently in the brain when compared with positive or neutral experiences. There tends to be a disconnect between the language we'd associate with it and what we heard, felt, or saw when we experienced that event.
Have you tried it already?
Pamela Wagner
Alternative Therapy Options - Part IV: EMDR
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