Sep '23 (edited) in General discussion
Hi Folks,
I received this email yesterday from someone I've had business with. It's very interesting for me as the email talks about how the writer has faced the challenges of growing his own online business.
I thought it good enough for us all to read and to know that we all face the same challenges and that it is only our own perseverance and patience that makes the difference.
I trust you will enjoy the 5-minute read, and I'm in anticipation of the learning and conversations we can have as a result.
"This email will be pretty long, but I want to make myself known, hopefully inspire you, and make you understand that anyone can do what I did!
My journey is not something super special or heroic, but like many who are feeling different from the crowd, I've had to go through many struggles, which maybe you are facing too…
I'm Italian, and here, after finishing high school, you can choose whether to go to work or start university.
In 2015, after graduating from high school, I chose the path of work, and I threw myself headlong into a normal job.
Initially, I liked it, but after a few months, my strong need to NOT depend on someone else to manage my life and my time manifested itself!
Some people are comfortable with that lifestyle and it's absolutely fine, but I personally felt in a tighter cage every day...
I was lucky enough to always have my soulmate Matilde by my side, and she has ALWAYS supported me in any choice.
Because we both know that regardless of what you choose for your life, just be Persevering, Patient and brave, and you can achieve EVERYTHING!
Life continued to go on, but after 3/4 years of feeling trapped every day, I decided to take my life in hand and start studying a way out of my situation...
It was 2019, and after doing incessant online research, I found Affiliate Marketing and a world of possibilities opened up in my head.
I started studying everything I found online and immediately put it into practice...
Needless to say, it was a TOTAL failure at first. I kept studying and failing continuously, and the first year (even more) was all at a loss...
I spent a lot of money on studying courses and testing all kinds of stuff.
Finally, though, around 2021, I started to get going and get the first results. Keep in mind that I continued to study at EVERY possible moment of the day!
During my lunch break at work, I isolated myself from my colleagues and listened to courses and lessons while I ate, and in the evening until late at night (even until 3 AM) I applied and tested.
These have been VERY tough years, especially when you intend to maintain good relationships with your loved ones and your partner while trying to escape from a system you don't like!
However, I made it despite everything, and at the beginning of 2022, I decided to make the leap in quality and leave my job as an employee to dedicate myself full-time to my online business.
Keep in mind that at the end of 2021, I also bought my house in the middle of nature with Matilde, and I spent most of my savings earned in 4/5 years of work as an employee...
It was a risky decision, but I think sometimes in life you just need a bit of courage at the right time and people who support you (luckily I've always had them).
From then on, the first months of full-time online business were still very hard.
I didn't have continuity in results, and the fact that I depended only on that for our economic income put me under a lot of stress!
However, in mid-2022, I started to find my balance between time spent, results, and working at home with all the distractions, and my business started to take off.
In late 2022 and early 2023, I started changing things and made a revolution in my business. Before I was ONLY dealing with Affiliate Marketing in the Italian-speaking market.
From then on, thanks to the fact that I know English and was able to study a lot, I jumped straight into the English-speaking market, starting to create an email list by launching my own products.
At the same time doing Affiliate Marketing through YouTube and email marketing, and this has completely changed my working life.
I've found that I'm capable of creating courses, content, and other things that people really like, and that's the one and only thing I want to pursue at the moment.
So here we are today!
This is my journey in a nutshell, and I hope it may have been an inspiration for you.
As you see, to get to where I am now, I spent sleepless nights, stressful moments (A LOT) with my partner and family, and uncertainties for YEARS...
But the things that always make a difference in everything in life are the ability to be Persevering, Patient and Brave.
That's all you need, and everyone has these skills deep inside. Just keep going!
If you have come this far, I thank you immensely for the time you have dedicated to reading. I hope to have inspired you even a little bit..."
Ian Headon
Ian Headon Mindset Coaching
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