Getting Started
Welcome! for starters, this group will be paid one day, however if you are seeing this message you will be grandfathered a FREE LIFETIME membership as a thanks for being early.
If you are a beginner or an experienced entrepreneur you are in the right place.
Here you will be able to ask questions that you have and people who have gone through a similar problem WILL assist you.
The main focus of this group is to help business owners and entrepreneurs increase their lead generation, lead conversion, how much you make per customer and how to keep them for longer.
This will be done by giving you access to everyone's collective experience.
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know:
  1. Your name
  2. What project you're currently focused on
See you in the comments!
Rafael Lemos
Getting Started
This is a community for entrepreneurs who want to grow their business and want to learn more about funnels, automations, using AI, and others.
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