Digital Business 101
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One thing that is crucial for a digital business owner is connection with their audience.
This community affords you the chance to practice building those relationships.
Here's how to boost your likelihood of success instantaneously:
  1. Spend time on your socials and in this community each day. It doesn't have to be large chunks of time, but be sure to check in and see what's going on.
  2. Read all the new posts and comment, like, share.
  3. Be curious and genuine! You never know who your next customer might be!!
  4. Find someone in the group here to connect with and share the journey. Lack of accountability is a big factor that can destroy small businesses!
  5. Have fun in this process! We will naturally engage in things we find fun! Building a business should be NO DIFFERENT!
Now, remember, drop a GIF so we know we reached you!
I need to work on my engagement.
I need accountability!
I'm introverted and engagement is hard for me.
6 votes
Kelly Dempsey
Digital Business 101
A community for driven entrepreneurs building a business while working full time. Let's beat overwhelm and start smashing your goals!
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