You can Grow Your Business WITHOUT Content!
This community is focused on showing you how to use content creation to make money and grow your online business.
You don't need content to do this.
You could put A LOT of money into ads, wasting most of it on testing etc.
You could use email marketing to target vast amounts of stagnant leads who never really open your emails.
You could send 250 cold DMs per day, before getting your Instagram account banned for spam.
You could post one reel per day for the next 60 days and potentially earn $2-5k per month in additional revenue, without spending a penny on ads.
Whats the game plan:
  1. Pick a niche (e.g. men aged 18-25 wanting to improve their physique)
  2. Learn their problems through regular story polls and simply reaching out and learning about them
  3. Write their problems in a list and simply solve those problems by speaking to the camera
  4. Post one of these everyday for 60 days
If you do this, it's hard not to grow an engaged audience.
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Alex Knott
You can Grow Your Business WITHOUT Content!
Content Lab
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