4d ago (edited) in Myth-Buster Mondays
“inTroVeRts aRe NoT gOoD at cOmMuNicAtiOn.”
It makes total sense why one would think that introverts are bad at communication
We’d rather let someone else carry the conversation than to exhaust our social battery🔋
Which is fair, but the sad truth is that, as a result, most introverts actually suck at communication
See, extroverts GAIN energy from interactions📈
So, naturally, they have a slight edge over us because of all the reps they get to put in.
Meaning, they are basically incentivized to talk as much as possible, making them able to articulate their thoughts far more effectively than the average introvert
But, this DOES NOT have to be the case
Communication is a learnable skill that if paired with our unique traits (empathy, listening skills, and compassion), I argue that an introvert could easily become a far more effective communicator than an extrovert.
Take listening skills for an example…👂
The world is full of people who always want to talk about themselves, and if they ever go quiet, best believe they’re just waiting for another opportunity to blab about what interests them.🗣️
Since you’re a naturally good listener, that sets you apart from the 99% of people
When you listen to understand and not to respond, the other person is more likely to be receptive of your message because you had the compassion to hear them out first, do you understand?
Over and above this, people tend to listen more attentively when someone who speaks less finally has something to say
Which increases your influence
So, what’s the reality?
Introverts CAN be excellent communicators. We often think deeply and listen attentively, which makes our communication thoughtful, meaningful and more influential.
T Nkosi
“inTroVeRts aRe NoT gOoD at cOmMuNicAtiOn.”
The Introverse
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