6d ago (edited) in Myth-Buster Mondays
Myth-Buster Mondays
Fellow introverts...
I'm in constant realization of how my limiting beliefs have stopped me from achieving my goals in the past.⛔
I see a lot of other introverts fall victim to the VERY. SAME. THING!🤦‍♂️
Whether it's limiting beliefs they've learned from past traumas or false perspectives that were projected onto them by other people...
The truth is, you're only CAPABLE of doing what you BELIEVE is possible!
Which is why I would love to introduce "Myth-Buster Mondays" in our community.🙌
Every Monday, I'll be "clearing the smoke" with high-value posts dedicated to debunking the most common myths that people have about introversion and/or the workplace.
This is also an intentional effort to make our community high-quality by raising the bar on everyone's values and beliefs.🙌
See you on Monday!😜
T Nkosi
Myth-Buster Mondays
The Introverse
Learn how to articulate yourself confidently without exhausting your social battery from a global network of introverted professionals!⚡
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