EA week 1
I purchased my first Evaluation Account last Friday after a good 3 weeks of practicing.
I began trading on Monday, but I wasn't finding good opportunities for Jedi/Superman entries on MES (I prefer staying on MES because it's more precise and I dislike moving back and forth). This continued into Tuesday. Wednesday I followed some advice I saw on here to stay away due to the inflation numbers being published (I ended up winning a good trade on my sim account but what do you do?). Thursday I was getting antsy and entered into a trade I wasn't very confident about. I only took a quarter of the risk ($125) and ended up stopping out. Today I entered a long Superman trade for $500 (used half of my usual risk because I was skiddish), and then a short Jedi using demand from 10 days ago. On the latter, I again wasn't confident with the demand being so old, so I moved my Stop Loss up and took a $300 profit (marked with white line segment). I would've stopped out if I hadn't done this. Is it unadviseable to take trades using such old supply/demand?
All in all, I'm up to $50,573 after my first week. I feel pretty good about it. It certainly could have been better, and it could have been worse. Now that I've gotten my feet wet, I hope to trade with more conviction. I imagine being too cautious is better than the alternative, however.
A question I do have is, if I'm having trouble finding opportunities on MES, should I look at different markets? Do the entry models work the same or do they need tweaked? What are the pros/cons of your favorite market?
Logan Beeman
EA week 1
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