Mar 2 (edited) in Welcome
How to grow on Instagram!
  1. Post Reels Length: 11-15secs or 30-45secs
  2. Make a loop: Do A video that is a CTA to checkout your description of the video allows you to get whatch Time and followers Instagram cares that you keep the people on the App so make a good CTA so that people want to Watch it.
  3. Where to find the best videos/ reels to make in your niche --> Go to the top # in your niche and See what works the best then recreate it.Try to copy it or make it as same as possible to maximace growth Or do something completely different but something that has a CTA in it which catches people of guard Use sounds or # which are popular at the time,
  4. How to stick out Be different its that simple whether your have a skill, drip or absolutely jacked just try to seperate yourself from the crowd in anyway possible.
  5. How to gain followers Engage with everyone who follows you write something short about why he/she should keep following you and that you appreciate them for trusting you. ex. : Hey thank you for dropping a follow I appreciate that you have trust in me. On my channel you will encounter a lot of information about ….( your niche) and what’s it all about. And how to practice it in real life. Have a great day (your name)
  6. Respond to comments on your post to show that you care and to build up trust to your community that’s one of the most important things to remember in this guide to interreact with your following.
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Instagram has become a great makreting tool for everyone and in the last few months also for Ecommerce especially so use these steps until it's to late. Not a lot of people are onto that yet so use it .
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Jonas Elmiger
How to grow on Instagram!
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